May 5, 2017
Camille Grimes Executive Director,
Dallas Morning News Charities
(Dallas) – Every year, thousands of low-income students in North Texas receive free- and reduced-priced lunches at public schools. For many of them, it’s the only nutritious meal they eat all day.
But in a few short weeks, the summer breaks begins. How will they get meals then?
The Dallas Morning News Charities is teaming up with six local nonprofit organizations to help fill in the gaps with its first summer fund-raising campaign. The goal is to provide 30,000 additional meals. Each meal costs approximately $1. The campaign runs May 15- June 27.
While some school districts offer free lunches at a limited number of campuses in the summer, one in four North Texas kids are still food-insecure – meaning they have limited or uncertain access to adequate food.
No child should spend the summer hungry in this community.
“For our nonprofits, and those they serve, summer represents of greatest need for meals (no school lunches), and donations (slowest donation period),” said Richard Jones, chairman of the DMN Charities. “For our first Summer Feeding Campaign, I know our readers will answer the call of giving and we will exceed our goal of providing 30,000 meals.”
The partner organizations include those that provide meals, snacks or bags of groceries.
They are: Allen Community Outreach, Brother Bill’s Helping Hand, Crossroads Community Services, Frisco Family Services, North Texas Food Bank, Sharing Life.
Let’s help them keep kids healthy this summer.
To donate or learn more about DMN Charities and the summer program, visit 100% of every donation will go to provide meals for children in need in North Texas this summer.